Chicago Fire: Why Are They Trying To Break Up Matt and Sylvie?

Chicago Fire

With the earth-shattering news that Jesse Spencer will be returning for the Season 10 finale of Chicago Fire, fans are expecting the best but bracing themselves for the worst. The reason for that is Matt Casey’s relationship with Sylvie brett. Since Matt moved to Oregon, he and Sylvie have tried the long-distance thing. It’s been a bit rough but it still has worked.

With Matt taking a 4-year assignment, that means he and Sylvie will travel a lot or as we have seen in the last few episodes, Sylvie could always leave and move to Oregon. But this is where reality meets creativity and forces a bigger issue.

With Chicago Fire being renewed for an 11th season, there is no indication that Kara Killmer has any plans of moving on just yet. What that means is that either the relationship will have to remain as is, Matt returns, or the writers end it. And the latter is what has fans in a frenzy.

The build-up for Matt and Sylvie was great and with Spencer leaving the show, it sorta threw a wrench in the plans. However, the writers have done a wonderful job of keeping their union going but how long can they keep this cross-country love affair going? According to reports, there may already be a new love interest on the horizon for Sylvie in Season 11, and if that’s so, that means that their next on-screen meeting will more than likely be their last.

Related: Chicago Fire: Matt and Sylvie Deserve The Perfect Ending

But wait, how will they do this? By all accounts, things have gone smooth between the two. Will the writers just create some crazy storyline in which Matt and Sylvie fought the entire time she was in Oregon? Or, will they hit us with the scenario that Matt asked her to move there and Sylvie said no and it’s just too much for Matt to handle so he breaks it off? Either way, it’s plausible but stupid at the same time.

As much as I love Chicago Fire, they keep making the same mistakes when it comes to these serious relationships. Matt can’t seem to find happiness. From death to abandoned marriages, his luck has been the worst. And the same thing goes with Sylvie. I get not knowing when an actor is leaving a show can throw things for a loop but there is such a thing as creativity with a pen or keyboard, (hell, I do it every day).

Now is the perfect chance for the writers to get it right. There is no need to break Sylvie and Matt up. Think about it. Each episode does not have a specific time frame. Episode 10 can take place in March and Episode 11 can take place 2 months later. I say that to say that the writers have all the power here.

In those 2 months between episodes (from a storyline standpoint) they can have Sylvie travel there or say that Matt came to Chicago for a week or so. Hell, we as the fans don’t need to see him, but as long as we know he’s still going strong with Sylvie, that’s all we care about.

No one knows how long Chicago Fire will continue. 11 seasons is great but at some point, it does have to end. They can break Matt and Sylvie up and in the series finale, find their way back to each other but why continue to put fans through this? We’ve done this song and dance too many times with this show and for once, they need to get it right.

Severide and Stella getting married is a joyous occasion and by the sounds of things, the writers are going to ruin it with the breakup of one of our favorite couples? The show has deep roots in relationships but does Sylvie need to have an on-screen romance? She can continue to be the awesome paramedic that she is and still have ties to Matt across the country. C’mon guys, you’re making this much harder than it should be.

Keep Matt and Sylvie together. Is that too much to ask?


P.S. Don’t be trying to throw Gabby in the middle of all this either. Let her stay where she’s at.