Killmonger Is the Prequel Black Panther 2 Needs

Erik Killmonger in Black Panther

Black Panther was the cultural phenomenon of 2018. Not only was it a huge hit, but it also tied in some of the larger parts of Infinity War and Endgame. Surely, T’Challa with all the overwhelming support of fans was going to be the future of the MCU.

With the death of Chadwick Boseman, things get a little trickier. Some fans are already pushing for Marvel to cancel the plans for the sequel. Others are calling for an alternate lead, urging the studio not to recast the title character in any sequel.

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In no way shape or form should Disney cancel plans for the sequel? First and foremost it would be more of an insult to Boseman’s memory than recasting or changing leads. The man battled through cancer to shoot one of the most influencing films of the MCU in character and off the screen. People from all walks of life loved Black Panther. 

To see an iconic character played by an African American with a predominantly African American cast was more impactful than the actor could ever hope for. Giving up on it after he passed erases everything he tried to do.

While most people will agree Sheri should be the lead going forward, Black Panther 2 should explore more of the original film’s story. Michael B. Jordan was surprising in his role as Erik Killmonger, so much so that as a fan you almost were rooting for him just as hard. His character, while a villain, is a few choices away from being a hero. The death of his father and the pain that followed put sympathy on the table.

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If Disney and the MCU backtracked and made a Killmonger prequel to dig deeper into the character’s pain, they could easily transition to him being a big part of their future. Yes, he may have “died” at the end of Black Panther, but this is a comic book universe where no one is ever really dead. He also fought and was wounded in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Bringing him back wouldn’t be too complicated.

While Shuri could take over as the next Black Panther, having Killmonger by her side expands the universe even further. Shuri could absolutely carry the BP franchise, but with Disney+ exploring bringing more MCU content to their streaming service it would open a few doors for them as well. Killmonger could be it’s own stand-alone series or limited series. Bringing his character back would bring not only a great actor in Michael B. Jordan back it would also bring a strong character back into the fold. 

Every character in Black Panther was amazingly cast and there’s an entire world to explore. Chadwick Boseman’s memory deserves to be honored by exploring this world to it’s fullest.